Tuesday, December 3, 2013

KPMG 10 Attributes for Success

The following advice was written for accounting students looking to work in public accounting.

#10. On day one, you are not expected to know everything
          a. Questions are expected
          b. Questions do not indicate a lack of knowledge
          c. If you ask questions, take notes

#9. Understand and accept office policies and procedures
           a. dress code
           b. use of telephones
           c. expected working hours
           d. ethics and core values
           e. rewards and recognition


#8 Quality Counts
          a. Efficiency but quality
          b. self review
          c. check the small things
          d. take pride in anything that bears your name

#7 Demonstrate superior written and oral communication skills
            a. business lingo-no room for chat room lingo
            b. respond to e-mails regularly
            c. keep practicing oral communication
            d. FAX-always use a coversheet

#6 Professional Conduct
           a. be congnizant of surrounds
           b. learn to deal with different personalities
           c. keep personal viewpoints to yourself
           d. try not to play politics
           e. feedback isn't personal, it's helpful
           f. always communicate

#5 Be a team player
          a. be trustworthy
          b. always tie up your loose ends
          c. always seek more knowledge
          d. know your rank

#4 Set Personal Goals
          a. Have a vision
          b. stretch yourself
          c. do whatever it takes

#3 Undersell and Overdeliver
          a. only promise what you can deliver
          b. meet deadlines
          c. prioritize assignments

#2 Take time to listen
          a. practice good listening skills
          b. paraphrase
          c. rewording
          d. acknowledging (headnod)

         a. good and bad attitudes are contagious, which one do you want to catch?
         b. people want to work with people with good attitudes
         c. positive thinkers attract success

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