Friday, April 11, 2014

YOU GOTTA HAVE BALLS by Brandon Steiner

This book is about how a kid from Brooklyn started from scratch and ended up buying Yankee Stadium and creating a sports memorabilia empire.

Brandon Steiner grew up poor in a broken family. His mom raised the family in a nice neighborhood. As a consequence, they grew up having less stuff but were surrounded by better people. I recently watched the movie "Freakonomics." The authors of Freakonomics argue that where you grow up significantly affects how you turn out later in life. As demonstrated by Brandon Steiner, nice neighborhoods make nice people. 

Some of the key points from the book:

-Commitment is more important than passion. If you are committed, you'll develope passion.
-Always ask "What else?" By doing a little more, a little extra, you differentiate yourself with your customers/employers/community.
-It's what you can do for who you know.

The page of the book is the part worth re-reading over and over. Listed are some of my favorite Steinerisms the author listed:

-Just because you are a character doesn't mean you have character
-You can learn on the job, but that's no replacement for studying. If you want to be a great manager, study books on managing. If you want to do sales, do likewise.
-Vision without action is hallucination

Great book. It's an easy read. If you want to be successful, study successful people. Nuff said.

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